„Heat exchanger“
Heat exchanger
„Development Air/air-heat exchanger“
Development, prototyping as well as production setup of Twin-Sheet heat exchangers
„180l Bioreactor“
Algae cultivation reactor


Algae cultivation reactor

Project scope

Construction, prototyping and production of a 2.8 m x 2 m bioreactor using the Twin-Sheet procedure


  • high transparency
  • long-term leak tightness
  • high load-bearing capacity (180 l content)

Highlight of the project

Realisation of the product in full size using the Twin-Sheet procedure


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Range of services

Hombach developed and constructed the geometry of the bioreactor in close cooperation with the customer.

This was followed by prototypes of different sizes and materials. Various materials were developed and qualified together with material suppliers.

Hombach produces the components with almost 6 sqm total area from only 2 mm thick base material using the Twin-Sheet procedure.

All products and parts in our showroom represent a small part of our implemented projects. We will be pleased to check your projects for feasibility and economic efficiency free of charge at any time, or we can provide you with recommendations for suitable technologies.

(c) PLEASE NOTE that all images shown here are subject to the copyright of Ernst Hombach GmbH & Co. KG, of our customers or commissioned photographer. Photos must only be used for other publications, marketing campaigns or similar with written approval.